How to settle in Canada without money?

If you are immigrating to Canada, it is advised to keep the sufficient amount handy with you to support your stay in Canada. However, if you have the sufficient amount, the immigration doors are not closed for you by any means. There are a few Canadian immigration programs, which don’t even ask any job offer or monitory requirement from the candidate coming to Canada. The Quebec Skilled Workers Program (QSWP) is one of such programs which let you in Canada without any job offer from Canadian employer or any monitory requirement (apart from the visa fee). Check below link for further details regarding QSWP.

How much money is needed to settle in Canada?

The requirement of money for Canada settlement is thoroughly depends on the type of immigration program or visa category you are applying to. There are a few immigration programs that do not ask for any settlement amount apart from the visa fee; however there a few, which ask for the same. Visit the Canada Immigration Page to get the detailed descriptions with regard to individual visa categories/immigration programs in Canada and eligibility requirements for the same.


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